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Precision Insurance Team

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Precision Insurance Team Blog

What Are the Benefits of Collision Insurance?

Collision insurance extends your basic auto coverage by paying for damages to your vehicle if you’re in an accident. If you collide with an object or another vehicle, you can receive reimbursement for damages. Ask your insurance agent at Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ to discuss the best policy for you. 

How Collision Insurance Works?

You can receive an upfront payment for covered repairs. After you pay your deductible, the insurer handles the rest of the costs up to your insurance limit. Whether a deer runs into traffic and hits your car, or you lose control on icy roadways and hit an object, collision insurance can give you peace of mind on the highways of Mesa AZ.

Collision Insurance Benefits

It’s a good idea to meet with the Precision Insurance Team to optimize your coverage to fit your needs and budget. With collision insurance, you can receive compensation if your car is totaled or damaged by an object other than another vehicle. In most cases, you pick the repair shop, giving you more control over your vehicle repairs. Additionally, having collision insurance alleviates the financial stress that may otherwise accompany unexpected accidents. 

Your leaseholder or lender may ask for proof of collision insurance. Having insurance experts available to help you sift through your options can make the process easier. Our team can also help you through the claims process or review your current policy to make sure it meets your goals.

We Are Here To Help

Collision insurance pairs well with comprehensive insurance, which covers vehicle damage due to fire, flood, hail, or vandalism, depending on how the policy is written. Contact the dedicated agents at the Precision Insurance Team to find collision insurance that’s compatible with your existing auto policy. We also offer free quotes when you come to our office in Mesa, AZ.

What kinds of events does my renters insurance protect me from?

If you are renting a place to live in or around Mesa, AZ, your belongings need protection. The Precision Insurance Team is here to assist with everything related to rental insurance. Your landlord’s property insurance only covers the building, and you need protection for what you keep in your rental, including 

  • furniture,
  • carpeting, curtains, and other decorations,
  • clothing,
  • any small or large appliances you own,
  • electronics, such as TVs and laptops, 
  • and any other personal items of value. 

Precision Insurance Team can help you find a reasonable policy to protect you against certain events. Because your insurance policy is a contract, you need to read your policy and understand what kinds of events are covered.

What Kinds Of Events Are Normally Covered By Renters Insurance?

Some kinds of protection are standard. You are protected in case of certain kinds of accidents, such as fires. Some natural disasters are covered, such as damage from thunderstorms or windstorms. You may need extra protection for other kinds of natural disasters, such as flooding. 

Renters insurance also protects you in the event of certain kinds of crimes, such as vandalism or theft. You will lose this protection if you are found to be involved in the crime that caused the loss. There is also some liability protection so that if someone is injured while visiting you, your insurance will pay for the injuries up to your policy limit.

Learn About Your Exclusions

If you believe that you may be vulnerable to something that is not covered in your policy, speak to your agent to see if you can add coverage. Also, make sure that you have sufficient protection if you have expensive items. If you have questions about Mesa, AZ renters insurance, please feel free to call the Precision Insurance Team today. 

Does my homeowners insurance protect me from vandals and thieves?

Being a victim of a crime is frightening and disorienting. At least with the right insurance policy, you can rest assured that you can recover after your Mesa, AZ home is the victim of thieves or burglars. At Precision Insurance, we want to make sure you have the protection you need so that you can move on after such an unfortunate event.

Burglary and Theft

As a homeowner, you are expected to take reasonable measures to protect your property. Some of your belongings are in the yard, such as garden decorations. Anyone coming onto your property to steal something in your yard may be guilty of trespassing and theft.

if someone comes into your house or garage, the crime is more serious because you and your family could be endangered. Your homeowners’ insurance will protect you against burglary and other forms of theft.


You might suffer a loss of property even if nothing is taken. There are many acts that could cause damage to your property, often done by people who simply have bad intent. Examples of vandalism include:

  • slashed tires
  • broken windows
  • spray paint on the outside of your home
  • and any other kinds of deliberate damage to your home or property.

Making an Inventory

In order to make a claim, you should be able to tell your insurance company what you lost and how much it was worth. If you need help, our Precision Insurance Team can help you organize the best way to do an inventory of your Mesa, AZ home. 

We Are Here To Help

Criminals can cause you stress, but we can help you recover your losses. Call Precision Insurance Team today so we can help make sure you have the protection you need and deserve.

Look for These Features When Choosing a New Auto Policy

Do you have a new car purchase coming up in the near future? Precision Insurance Team is here to help drivers in Mesa, AZ and the surrounding area. Here are a few features to look for when choosing your next auto insurance policy.

Exciting Auto Policy Features

When it comes to today’s auto policies, there’s a lot more available than just collision protection. If you want to enjoy some exciting features, be sure to ask your agent about having one or all of these added to your policy.

  • Roadside service – If you’re ever involved in an accident or have a breakdown on the side of the road, you’ll be thrilled to have roadside assistance as part of your policy. Ask your agent today!
  • Disappearing premiums – This is a fairly new feature that grows in popularity each year. If you are a safe driver and don’t have any claims, there are certain policies that will reduce your premiums by a set amount after your safety record reaches certain milestones.
  • Rental car coverage – If you are ever involved in a covered event that requires you to put your car in the shop for repairs, you’ll want to have this coverage. Your policy will provide coverage for renting a car while yours is getting fixed. There are limits to duration and daily fees.

Now’s an ideal time to find out more about the different features that are available with comprehensive policies in our area. 

We’re here to provide the insurance services you need!

Residents in the greater Mesa, AZ area can rely on the Precision Insurance Team for all of their auto insurance needs. If you have questions about auto insurance, we’re here to help. Give us a call or stop by today!

Top Reasons to Obtain Renter’s Insurance

You don’t have to own a home to get insurance coverage. As a Mesa, AZ renter, you can protect your valuables and financial assets from liability mishaps with renter’s insurance. Like most people, you’ve probably worked hard to purchase nice clothes, electronics, furniture, and other personal belongings. It only makes sense to protect these assets from the unexpected. With renter’s insurance from Precision Insurance Team, you can do just that.

Top Reasons to Purchase Renter’s Coverage

If you’re renting a home, condo, or apartment, here are some good reasons to consider renter’s insurance coverage:

1. Your goods are not covered by your landlord’s policy. 

Your landlord’s insurance protects his home structure, not your belongings. In the event of a disaster, your landlord’s dwelling insurance will cover the home’s repair costs, and you’ll be responsible for your own losses.  

2. Renter’s property insurance protects your belongings.

Renter’s property coverage will reimburse you for items that are stolen, damaged or lost in a disaster like fire, tornado, hurricane, etc. (with the exception of flooding) to save you from financial loss.  

3. Renter’s liability coverage will protect you from liability mishaps occurring on your rental property.

If a visitor is accidentally injured on your property, liability coverage helps pay for his or her medical costs. Liability insurance also covers accidental damage to a visitor’s personal property. If someone sues you for damages, liability insurance will help cover your legal costs.

4. Renter’s insurance offers additional living expenses coverage.

If your rental home gets damaged in a storm and you have to move out until repairs are made, additional living expense coverage will reimburse you for extra expenses you may incur living in another location during that time.

5. Affordability

Renter’s insurance is extremely affordable and can fit most any budget. Consult with us and see what best fits your needs. 

We Are Here To Help!

To purchase a renter’s policy in Mesa, AZ or surrounding areas, contact Precision Insurance Team today! 

What factors need to be considered when shopping for home insurance?

Owning a home has been a great idea for a lot of people in the Mesa, AZ area. When looking for home insurance for a property, there are many factors to consider. 

Asset Coverage

One factor to consider when you are shopping for home insurance is the type and level of coverage for your assets. You will need coverage for both your dwelling and personal assets. It is important to ensure you have the right amount of coverage to comply with a loan agreement and ensure you have sufficient support for your assets.

Liability Coverage

It is also important to consider your liability coverage. There are always liability risks faced by property owners. When you have the right coverage levels, it will ensure you have support if you are found liable for an accident. While it is important to have enough coverage to comply with requirements, you also need coverage to help protect your personal wealth and assets.


The deductible is the amount of money you will pay out of pocket before the insurance covers any claim. If you have a high deductible, your premiums will be lower. However, it will cost you more if you do file a claim. It is important to find the right balance.

Reach Out To Us

There are a lot of important decisions to make when you are looking for a home insurance plan in the Mesa, AZ area. If you are looking for this type of coverage here, you should call us with the Precision Insurance Team. We know the value of this coverage and can offer any guidance that you need to build a new plan. Our professionals with the Precision Insurance Team will take a personalized approach to ensure you select an ideal plan for your situation. 

Coverage You Can Add to State Minimum Insurance

If you recently moved to Arizona, you might not recognize some of the types of auto insurance coverage offered by Precision Insurance Team. Driving in Mesa, AZ, and other areas of the state, requires minimum auto insurance coverage set by the state legislature. The state government last updated these requirements effective July 1, 2020.

State Mandated Insurance

In Arizona, like other US states, each driver must carry liability insurance to protect others on the road if they cause an accident. This insurance pays for the medical costs and vehicle damage if you cause an accident. Here’s what the state requires that you purchase:

  • Bodily liability coverage in the amount of $25,000 per person per accident,
  • Bodily liability coverage in the amount of $50,000 for all persons per accident,
  • Property damage coverage in the amount of $15,000 per accident.

Each policy quote also contains optional uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage that you can accept or decline. The state minimum for this optional coverage increased to a 25/50 coverage limit in 2020.

Insurance Options You Can Add in Arizona

In Arizona, you won’t find an option for personal injury protection (PIP) coverage. Instead, in this state, you can choose its substitute, called medical payments insurance (MedPay). This coverage pays your medical bills from a car accident.

You can also opt to add collision coverage, which pays for the vehicle damages that you caused or caused by a collision with an animal. Adding comprehensive insurance covers your vehicle if it incurs damage from a weather event, such as a hail storm or fire. It also covers theft and damage from vandalism. Finally, you could choose to add roadside assistance to your auto policy.

Get the Auto Insurance You Need

Contact Precision Insurance Team serving Mesa, AZ, to build your ideal auto policy. Let us help you protect your financial security.

Does Renters Insurance Cover a Roommate’s Belongings?

Insurance is a tool designed to protect against risks and losses. Renters should purchase a renter’s insurance policy to help protect them from several risks ranging from liability or unexpected events that can cause them losses or displacement from their homes. If you are looking for quality renter’s insurance, the professionals at Precision Insurance Team are proud to provide the residents of Mesa, AZ with exceptional coverage options.

Renter’s Insurance Protection 

Renter’s insurance protects against renter liability or other losses associated with events occurring in and around the dwelling. This insurance can also help with lodging while repairs are underway. If you would like to explore your renter’s insurance options, we can help. 

We can review your current situation and need help to provide insight into which policies would work best for your needs. We also assist with document submissions and claims. Our goal is to provide complete assistance to our customers to make acquiring insurance as easy and straightforward as possible. Let us assist you with choosing the right policy to give you peace of mind knowing you’re protected. 

Reach Out Today

Renter’s insurance is essential for anyone renting a property, whether an apartment or a separate dwelling. If you want to learn more about renter’s insurance and how it can protect you from covered events, contact Precision Insurance Team serving the residents of Mesa, AZ. 

Reach out to us today by calling or stopping by our office to speak to a knowledgeable insurance professional. We are dedicated to serving our customers and helping them get the protection that top-quality renter’s insurance and other products can provide. 

Tips for making your home safe inside and out

Having a safe home is the goal of many homeowners. Hazards are all around and making sure you are adequately protected is vital for your financial security. At Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ, we do our best to make sure that all our customers have the best home insurance to suit their needs. 

Making Your Home 


Outside your home, it needs to provide a warm welcome, and it also needs to offer you safety. This begins by making sure that your home is not obscured by tall bushes. Don’t give intruders any place to hide. Installing motion detector lights will let you see anyone who comes close to your home.  If you don’t already have a home security system, it is time to consider it. You have lots of affordable options to choose from. 

If you have children and a pool, a pool alarm and fencing are a must, with an automatic locking gate. Check local regulations regarding pool safety. 


Keeping your home safe indoors begins by using the locks that you have on your doors and windows. This is a basic safety measure. Make sure your home is safe from fire by regularly checking if your smoke detectors are working.  Have a fire escape plan and keep a fire extinguisher handy.

Trips and falls are a danger inside and out. Don’t store things on stairs or in walkways where they can cause a fall. Avoid extension cords in any area where walking happens, and put a nonslip mat or stickers in tubs and showers. 

Keep all medication out of the reach of children and pets. Any chemicals that are poisonous should be in a locked cabinet which only adults have access to. Some plants are also poisonous. Before bringing them into your home, make sure they are safe. 

Keep Your Home Insurance Updated

Contact Precision Insurance Team to discuss your home insurance needs. We proudly serve the greater Mesa, AZ community.

Does auto insurance cover a rental car?

After several years of avoiding vacation, many people are deciding to get back to the great American pastime, the vacation. You book your flight and your hotel, and then it is time for the rental car, and it can get very scary. At Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ, we have a team of insurance experts who can help to answer any questions that you may have about rental car insurance. 

Does auto insurance cover a rental car?

Renting an automobile is not inexpensive. No one wants to pay more for their rental than they absolutely have to. That’s why being able to use your own auto insurance can really help. If you lease your vehicle or have an auto loan, you will have collision and comprehensive coverage, which means that you will also have that if you rent a vehicle. 

What you need to have a rental vehicle covered, you must have a full coverage auto insurance policy. Whatever you have for coverage on your vehicle will cover you when you rent a vehicle. If you have any questions about your coverage, you should give your carrier a call to verify what you have. 

Your normal auto insurance coverage will cover you for a vehicle rental in the US or Canada. It will not cover you if you want to rent in Mexico or Europe. The other option is to check with your credit card company to determine if you have a car rental as a perk. Some credit cards do offer this, and they will then become the primary coverage when you use that card to cover your rental. 

If, however, you are concerned about having an accident and the resulting rise in premiums on your auto insurance, you can just get your vehicle coverage from the car rental company. 

Reach Out To Us

Call Precision Insurance Team in Mesa, AZ when you are ready to discuss auto insurance. 

Servicing States

  • Arizona
  • Ohio
  • Texas
  • Utah

Why Work With Us?

  • Locally owned and operated
  • Works with multiple carriers
  • Combines policies for best rates
  • Customer friendly services
  • Print out your auto ID cards from home, anytime!

Partner Carriers

  • Foremost
  • Openly
  • Progressive
  • Safeco
  • Travelers